
I have always loved to draw. When I was a little girl, I drew nothing but horses. As I grew up, I developed other interests that took me away from art like music, theatre and life in general.

I married and began my family. In 2005, my husband was sweet enough to press the issue by giving me an acrylic paint kit for my birthday. I had never really painted before except sets for theatre and a sign for my aunt’s horse farm. Thus began my art career.

I still like to draw and paint animals, but my true passion is to draw and paint images of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. After having my first child, I studied pregnancy and childbirth. I read everything I could get my hands on, studied to be a childbirth educator, and eventually I became a doula. As my own family grew, I gave up doing doula work to care for my own growing brood. I still kept studying. I started reading midwifery texts and worked for the Ancient Art Midwifery Institute.

I currently write and edit for a living so I can be home with my kids. I run several websites: At My Breast, Breastfeeding Revolution, Instinctual Birth, Rakestraw Reads and this one.